Published on January 13, 2004 By new world mozart In Misc
Today I want to talk about time travel.

Wells, Heinlein and many others have stories dealing with time travel: however, untill recently respectable physicists have regarded time travel as a fantacy. However new quantum gravity studies have given some credence to this wild idea.In fact there are theoretical physicists who have been writing about time travel in the pages of 'Physical Review' recently.

Time travel has been considered impossible, Newton beleived that time was like an arrow only went forward in a straight line. However Einstine said time was more like a river speeding up and slowing down as it passed around massive bodies, and time was relative. Kurt Goedel (one of the greatest mathematical logicians) came up with solutins to Einstine's equations that allowed for time travel. So how do we instigate time travel? There have been theories that we could use black holes (worm holes) to travel great distances in time and space however it has been thought that anything entering a black hole would be crushed. Wellllll.... not so fast, in 1963 Roy Kerr (another mathamatician) found a solution to Einstines equations that indicated a black hole would not colapse to a point but into a spinning ring of neutrons. This would act as a portal through the black hole kind of like Alice and the looking glass. The portal would not only conect regions of space but of time as well.

What about all the paradoxes? Could you go back in time and change your past, current and future? Would you be able to kill your own parents, keep them from meeting etc? In quantum theory we can have multiple states of any object. An electron can exsist simultaneously in different orbits (this is responsible for giving us the laws of chemistry). So applying quantum theory to time travel we are merely creating another reality and are changing someone elses past. In order for us to benifit (or suffer) from changes made we would need to stay in that reality and not return to our own.

Stephen Hawking once opposed the idea of time travel; however within the last 5 years or so theoretical physicists have made a lot of progress and Hawking has changed his mind and now believes that time travel is possible but not practical or probable. So dont plan on jumping into your Delorian and rushing back in time to buy stock in Disney.

Again this is all theoretical and is pretty far feched. Scientists belive the energy requirments to acomplish this would require a type III civilization and currently we are a type 0 however I will save that topic for another day. I personaly think these people have way to much time on their hands, but it is kinda interesting to read and think aobut. (Now I need to go take a couple of asprin this is making my head hurt) ;]
on Jan 13, 2004
Anither interresting point about time travel is made in "Donnie darko" .
You can only travel in time if you know god's way... It's no more physics but philosophy and still very interesting
on Jan 14, 2004
It wouldn't be time travel, NWM..But dimensional travel. "So applying quantum theory to time travel we are merely creating another reality and are changing someone elses past. In order for us to benifit (or suffer) from changes made we would need to stay in that reality and not return to our own."
Because you're not changing the past..You're jumping to a point in a different dimension in which the past is just now happening as the present you came from..

on Jan 14, 2004
That would be more like Sliders. What Michu Kaku and other Theoretical Physisists ( I think this means they are only theoreticaly physisits heheh) is actualy being able to go back in your time line and change it and in doing so create another branch from that. Kind of like Schrodingers cat being both alive and dead at the sametime it's kind of a fork or some such. Anyway its all guesswork, I doubt any of them has been traveling in time.
Myself I am partial to the timelords mode of transportation the T.A.R.D.I.S
on May 30, 2005
Before you tackle physics, try mastering spelling first.
on Oct 20, 2009


Harsh.  Strange that someone of your implied perfection cant see beyond spelling.  But then you are what you are.